IFSC Code | FDRL0002026 Copy |
MICR Code | 670049103 Copy |
Bank | Federal bank |
Address | Puthoor road panoor kannur dist kerala 670692 |
State | Kerala |
District | Cannur |
Branch | Panoor |
Contact |
The MICR code of Cannur-Kerala, Federal bank BANK is 670049103
The address associated with 670049103 is Cannur-Kerala
The district that falls under the Federal bank BANK is Cannur
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Locate My IFSCIndian Financial System Code (IFSC) is a unique 11-digit code allocated by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to each bank branches in India which are contributing to online fund transfer systems like RTGS (Real-Time Gross Settlement), NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) and IMPS (Immediate Payment Service).
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